Glastonbury Retreat 2025 - Experiences and Opportunities
Each Day

You will experience incoming activations / energy upgrades, living light-body attunements and Light-Language transmissions which Tracy and her guides will channel in various ways.
You will learn and practice important super-activating processes; connecting with new guides within your own wisdom networks.
Access the power of your own energy centres, release imprints, find balance and increase health and vitality. Learn about yourself as a sacred container and how to increase your inner light.
There will also be guided inner-quests / meditations / journeys to expand and explore, activating deep sacred wisdom.
You will reclaim lost power, process shadows and denser material, and awaken new codes of a higher frequency of light so that following your intuitive guidance is clearer and easier.
Learn to navigate the many unseen realms more confidently, and gain essential insights into taking care of your evolving self and your own living-light body.
Special Experiences within Ceremonies
A group ceremony will activate your sacred inner wisdom.

In preparation, you will experience the powerful Sonic Temple, with unique activations for deep remembering from the sonic masters - where frequency is everything. This sonic spa will help you relax and let go into higher dimensions of awareness.
Learn about the new creation emerging and how we can be part of it through a beautiful and deeply enriching Shungite and Gridwork ceremony.
Access the libraries of the Akashic Records; communicate with star-beings and other relevant beings, and make important connections which will support and enrich your ongoing personal journey.
Join together around the bonfire for an evening where we call upon and remember the transformational power of fire and how we can utilise this for our personal, collective and ancestral journey of healing and reclaiming deep inner wisdom and power.
Remember the sacred wisdom keepers and your forgotten lineages, and how you can call upon them to support you through these changing times.
Our finale begins with a heart-opening cacao ceremony

The ‘Sacred Wisdom’ integration/activation ceremony will take you on such a beautiful journey through meditation, authentic movement/dance, breath-work. A somatic shake and dance process with immersive soundscape will transport you to the next level of your life as an embodied wisdom keeper - learning to trust your own flow.
You will celebrate your relationship with the Great Mother Earth in a beautiful personal ceremony that you will self-initiate at the Ancient Yew Tree. This is so special, you will be deeply nourished by the great wisdom networks of our beloved Mother Earth, reconnecting and grounding a more sacred way of being.
There will also be time to relax, reflect, use the hot tub / spa facilities if you feel to, be with friends whether old or new and experience much more magic than it is possible to put into words.
This retreat offers an opportunity to make sincere, enriched connections on many levels; both human and non-human, physical and non-physical; making connections and memories which will last a lifetime.
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