Privacy Policy / Quantum Training is committed to safeguarding your privacy. You can contact us if you have any questions or problems regarding the use of your Personal Data and we will be happy to assist you.

When using this website and/or our services, you consent to the Processing of your Personal Data as described here in our Privacy Policy.

Any personal data which you submit to us, either via this website or via other means, is stored securely and in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These regulations are applicable to the protection of your data wherever you are in the world. You have a right to complain to the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if you think there is a problem with the way we are handling your data.

We hold your data for the purpose of providing a service to you: giving you access to life-enhancing digital content, arranging in-person events, fulfilling purchases, and providing after sales service. We store your information for as long as is needed for these purposes or for other obligations deriving from law, but not longer than is needed.

You can contact us at any time to request a copy of the data we hold, or to request that we amend or delete your data.

With your explicit consent, we may also use your email address to contact you from time to time with information or updates we consider to be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe from these mailings at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email, or by editing your email preferences within the My details section of the Temple of Light members area.

All communication you have with us remains confidential. We will never share your contact details with any third party, except where necessary to provide a service you have requested: for example we may pass your address and contact details to a delivery company but only for the sole purpose of delivering your order, or we may pass your name and preferences to a venue where an event which you are attending is held.

Payment transactions are handled via our secure server with high grade encryption, or by PayPal's server if you opt to pay this way. We never store your credit or debit card details. PayPal's privacy statement is here.

We use only two cookies, which are both classed as 'essential cookies'. One to remember the contents of your shopping basket, and one to identify when you are logged in to the Temple of Light. A cookie is a small piece of information which is stored in your web browser, and which you choose to accept or not depending on your settings. We only use 'first-party' cookies, which means that they are never visible to other websites.

We record anonymous usage statistics to help us improve the website. This is done without setting cookies, using software installed on our own server. Usage data is never shared with any external third party (for example we do not use Google Analytics to measure traffic on our website).

Our servers are located in the United Kingdom, and all the data mentioned above remains in the United Kingdom.

For performance reasons we use external providers for some embedded videos. This is done using "Do Not Track" mode in the case of Vimeo and "Privacy-Enhanced Mode" in the case of YouTube. Note however that when you play these videos your usage will be recorded by the external provider.
