Imbolc Ceremony

Celebrate rebirth, returning from the darkness bring your insights to inspire a new beginning.

You are invited into this beautiful ceremony/meditation in honour of Imbolc, the first stirrings of Spring and all that is rising within you and from deep within the fertile land. 

 Let's celebrate the deep stirring occurring and the new energies emerging.

The creation of a new cycle of life is now underway, and what will it inspire and bring forth in you?

It's time to acknowledge what you've reflected on since Winter Solstice. It is indeed time to start bringing your new ideas and projects into the light, slowly and gently helping them to grow.

Through this guided meditation process, let's honour the subtle early stirrings of creative power and nurture them as they rise.

Breathe the energy of new beginnings into your life now.

Duration is 30 minutes, then there is music.
