New Moon Meditation - Capricorn

Beautifully inspiring and uplifting.

Your destiny is written in the stars, and it is your job to ground the magic of who you are and create your most authentic life here on Earth - as above, so below.

Feel the Earth below your feet, supporting you.

It may be that you have focused on the small stuff and not dared to dream the bigger dreams for yourself and your life. It is time to credit yourself with more now, and give yourself the opportunity to stretch beyond limitations.

Set your goals for the year ahead - and make them big! Draw up the Master Plan, either on paper, or in your mind’s eye. The small stuff will fall into place if you focus now on the bigger picture.

Where would you like to be by this time next year?

Imagine yourself having achieved your biggest goals - feel the success with all your senses.

Harness the grounded power of Capricorn the mountain goat, who tirelessly ascends until reaching the very top. Let this New Moon help you take the initiative, create the strategies required and then get down to work making it happen.
