Stonehenge Star Gate Activation

Be part of the Star Gate activation at Stonehenge from wherever you are.

When we have large in-person ceremonies out on the land at sacred sites, for specific Star Gate and grid-work activations, we also invite our global community to join us from wherever they are in the world by tuning in via broadcasts such as this one.

This is your invitation!

Listen to this guided meditation and take your place and be energetically part of a Star Gate activation ceremony which initially took place at Stonehenge in 2017. 

Through this beautiful heart-centred transmission, you will receive guidance, insights and Upgrades to help you get into alignment for the activation of this sacred stone site and the anchoring of the energy of New Earth.

This activation will support you to come into super-position, helping bring in the new frequency and ground it successfully in your everyday life.

Duration is 30 minutes, then there is music.
