Ultimate Upgrade

You are not separate from anything, all is One. 

The stories held within the physical body, and those held within the physical structures of our world are one and the same. As the body shifts, then so does the land – and vice versa.

We are re-coding the structure of our human body, in alignment with a restructuring of our physical world.

And so, coming into alignment with the places that call you will create a transmission or information re-calibration – re-coding the matrix and supporting you to release yourself from the past and welcome in the new energies of an upgraded civilisation.

Birthing a New Earth, and an awakened civilisation will ultimately bring about change that supports the transformation of the human experience to live in tune, harmoniously with its planet, and not perceive itself to be separate, isolated, cut off and alone.

It is time to remember our connection to one another, and help each other move beyond limitation and into a place of unity and harmony with All.

Duration is 30 minutes, then there is music.
