What is Light Language?

Light Language can be used to fast track your awakening journey.

This multi-dimensional language contains vast amounts of information in the form of coded, light-symbols and frequencies in small, easy to receive packages.

If you imagine your body as computer hardware, and light-language and coded information as software you can begin to see how it can contain such vast amount of influential input which can have a huge impact on how you operate in your life.

Light Language speaks to the heart, and can facilitate and support powerful healing and transformation. It is an important part of the awakening of human consciousness and the creation of a new more evolved way of being here on Earth. As part of both the personal and planetary ascension journey; it speaks intuitively, resonates deeply and is received by the unconscious mind into the depths of our being – creating opportunity for lasting, positive change.

Listening to a light language transmission, or receiving a light language blessing can help release blocked and stagnant energy – releasing tension, discordances, and distortions of perception. It can get into places which are otherwise difficult to reach, and it plants seeds of positive influence which will take root and grow.

It can also bring in new, more highly evolved data to initiate DNA activation, helping you recall dormant gifts and sacred treasures. It supports you to access and express these more magical parts of who you are naturally and without fear.

It opens telepathic, psychic and multidimensional channels and helps wire you neurologically to a more evolved multisensory guidance system. It facilitates upgrades to our sensory operating system, enabling us to see, sense and know truth more clearly.

As you tune in to a light language transmission you receive a sacred blessing on your personal path of awakening.  It can initiate and inspire deep and lasting healing, and change and transformations on all levels.  It supports your own innate inner wisdom to open further, empowering you to receive your own guidance more clearly, developing discernment and trust as you continue your journey of awakening, healing and transformational.


Light Codes are specific activation sequences, patterns of vibratory information and symbols delivered within light-streams that everyone can benefit from.  It is greatly advantageous to receive these into your multidimensional awareness and let them work their magic. They are potent seeds, ready to awaken, recoding cellular information and reminding you who you are and why you are here. These light codes are powerful, and support the collective evolution of humanity. They are a must have on the journey of awakening, cutting through distortion and bringing you home to truth.

For regular, powerful light-language transmissions check out our huge library of free resources.

Light Language


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